Gadhafi and You

There’s no denying the reality – you and I are connected to the world.
Today, because of a leader in Libya (Gadhafi) chose to remain in office in defiance of the demonstrators, you lost money because the stock market reacted and went down by 180 points. And your gas will become more expensive because the price of oil rose 9% today because of Libya’s unrest. You and I cannot avoid the impact of living in a globally-connected reality.
As followers of Jesus we cannot isolate ourselves and be unconcerned about the world. God points his people to the world (“Go into all the world…”) – so how are you engaging globally? It might be praying for the headlines, or supporting a missionary, or bringing an exchange student into your home. Or perhaps you might take a short-term mission trip. God so loved the world… let’s make sure we reflect his heart.