Paterno and Finishing Well
It has been painful for me to watch the legacy Joe Paterno has built over 61 years get trashed in one week. After 409 wins (the most ever for a Division I college coach) and positively influencing thousands of young lives over decades, he has been fired by the University he loves and become the subject of scathing remarks in the national media. His brilliant career has ended in a terrible way.
We are mostly remembered for how we finish, and it is hard to finish well. As followers of Jesus, as leaders, we can never coast. It is always vital to lean on the power of the Holy Spirit and pay attention to the direction we are drifting.
Like you, I want to finish well. To do so we need to pay attention to the little things, watch for passion drift, and keep our thirst and and sense of need for God at a high level.
Fortunately we have access to God’s mercy and grace, and he can help us finish strong even if we stumble.
Hebrews 2:1 – “We must pay the most careful attention, therefore, to what we have heard, so that we do not drift away.”
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